Asthma is a condition that affects the airways – the small tubes that carry the air in and out of the lungs. George Coller endured so much in his short life with the constant traumas of coping with Asthma.
Eventually it all got too much for his little body and he passed away in his sleep.
He was only three years old and his death was a needless tragedy.
The George Coller Memorial Fund is a registered charity and was launched in 2000. Its main purpose is to raise awareness about Asthma and to improve the healthcare provisions for all children suffering with the condition.
1,100,000 children living in the UK receive treatment for Asthma.

Lisa’s Fundraiser
Help Lisa Cummings raise money to support The George Coller Memorial Fund

I am a Children and Young People’s Asthma Nurse working in the Black Country. Our Team works very closely with The George Coller Memorial Fund and they kindly support a number of our events to provide education to our Children and families on managing asthma.
On Monday 6th of May 2024 I shall be completing the annual Bridgenorth Walk to raise much needed funds for George Coller Memorial Fund. Starting in Bridgenorth High Street the walk will include Brown Clee Hill and is a total of 21.5 miles!
I would be grateful for any donations, every little bit will help this charity continue with the amazing work they do. You can donate on the following link.
The Trustees are so very grateful to Lisa for her kindness and support as she prepares to embark on this mammoth task, please do sponsor this amazing Asthma Nurse who works so hard and cares so much.
Thank you Lisa.
Lobbying Westminster (Houses of Parliament)
We are currently presenting three campaigns to Westminster for the support and care of children affected by Asthma.
Campaign 1
Emergency Blue Inhaler
Our Asthma Nurses along with several medical professionals have made a shocking discovery regarding the blue Salbutamol inhaler which is an essential emergency medication in the management of children and young people with Asthma.
The blue inhaler is a critical reliever medication and is used during acute Asthma attacks, potentially saving lives whilst awaiting emergency services.
The problem with these lifesaving inhalers is they DO NOT have a dose counter on them like some preventer inhalers do.
Studies have shown that up to 86 actuations (Puffs) can be done just with the Inhaler propellant after all the medication has been used up.
This is very dangerous and life threatening to a child in an Emergency.
Parents, Teachers, people who provide extra-curricular activities for children will at some point need to use the blue inhaler in an Emergency and have NO way of knowing if it has lifesaving medication in the device or just the propellant.
We are asking Westminster to help us to put pressure on the drug companies to add a dose counter to all Blue Emergency inhalers as a matter of great URGENCY
How many people have died because of this oversight
How many Emergency hospital admissions have there been?
Campaign 2
Free Inhalers
People with Asthma in England are required to pay for their medication unlike those with other long term health conditions such as diabetes and epilepsy. Meanwhile in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, who are all part of the U.K., get their prescriptions for free.
We have been made aware through our Asthma nurses that families, (through no fault of their own), are sharing their children’s asthma medication with other members of their family who also need it, as they are unable to afford prescription charges.
No one should feel forced to choose between their ability to breathe or to feed and clothe their families or heat their homes.
A recent Health Care Survey conducted by the Royal College of Nursing, the National Respiratory Society UK, and Asthma and Lung UK found that 57% of people needing emergency care for asthma attacks skipped taking their medication due to prescription charges and 48% missed their asthma care appointments because they were worried about paying for their medication.
We feel that this is unfair and discriminative for children and their families that suffer from this debilitating illness.
Every 8 hours someone dies from Asthma in the UK, 90% of these Deaths are avoidable.
Campaign 3
Emergency Inhalers in Schools
After a 12-year campaign by our charity, we were successful when the Government changed the law on 1st October 2014, to enable an Emergency Inhalers to be used in schools.
We were absolutely delighted with the success of this effort after delivering thousands of signatures in support of our campaign to 10 Downing Street.
However, it has been recently brought to our attention that private nurseries, colleges and universities are NOT allowed to access an Emergency inhaler kit for their students!
This is totally unacceptable and dangerous; our intentions were that all children and young people within the education system are protected and safe.
The under 5’s, teenagers and young adults need protection and security from having an asthma attack the same as any child in mainstream school.
Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood.
We are asking that whatever political oversight or loophole forbids private nurseries, colleges and universities to access these lifesaving kits be amended for the safety of our children and young people as soon as possible.

We are delighted to announce that our Free Online Asthma Training Package is nationally accredited by the RCPCH and developed in partnership with NHS England.
Just An Hour To Help Save A Child’s Life: Asthma Education Website Launched
The George Coller Memorial Fund is pleased to announce the development of a free online educational resource which has been specifically designed to support anyone who works with children or young people with asthma.
This includes teachers; other school staff, sport coaches and youth group leaders.
In light of the publication of the Children and Families Bill and the change in the law to allow schools to keep spare emergency inhalers, the George Coller Memorial Fund, in partnership with Education for Health, have developed this potentially lifesaving Asthma educational module.
This educational resource covers:
- Asthma and its impact on children and young people
- What Asthma is?
- How Asthma is treated
- How to recognise an Asthma attack
- What to do in the event of an Asthma attack
- Asthma and inhaler devices
This resource is free of charge and users will be able to access it anywhere, anytime.
How To Donate To Our Charity
The link buttons below will take you straight to our Donation Pages with easy to follow instructions, or just scan the QR Code:

You can donate from as little as a £2 to whatever amount you wish – THANK YOU
Thank you for your support
Andy Townsend – Patron

Animator In Our Midst
Another of our own who has asked to help us bring our website to life and get others to understand what a young person with Asthma goes through.
At college as part of a course they did an animation which opened a few eyes as to their plight and has very kindly adapted it to suit our website.
Click on the picture to play the short animation of their life prior to college.